a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

how letters are written in cursive writing reveals lots about personality & temperament
these traits may be used to understand a person and improve a relationship

Friday, January 15, 2010

today's blog--ZONES

Below I have written a basic overview of the three zones of
cursive handwriting. These zones refer to the basic areas of life:
upper = abstract life, middle = social life, lower = physical life

NOTE: Keep in mind that extremes in cursive handwriting hint to extremes in personality traits. Any exaggeration in a particular zone, whether great or small, is a sign of inner troubles and unresolved problems. Before looking at details, it is always best to look at the overall piece of writing first, then gather a mix of details for an basic understand of personality.   
the upper zone -- b  d  f  h  k  l  t
these letters indicate an abstract focus
points to one who prefers the intangible side of life                                
shows the intellect person

If you are seeking a person with strong abstract qualities, such as strong intellect or spiritual focus, consider a person with these letters rising well above other letters.

the middle zone -- a c e i m n o r s u v w x
these letters indicates a social focus
points to one who prefers the daily side of life
shows the people person

If you are seeking a person with strong public qualities, such as at the office party, consider a person with clearly formed letters above,where these letters dominate over both upper and lower zones. The ill developed middle zone indicates unhappiness in social interactions.

the lower zone -- f g j p q z
these letters indicates a physical focus
points to one who favors the active side of life
shows the body person                                                                                
If you are seeking a person with strong physical qualities, such as an athlete, consider a person with dominate lower zone letters. Straight tails mean impatience and a half loop shows passivity. Many types of lower shapes require further reading for a full understanding.
next post ~~ SIZE -- the meaning of letter size -- A A A

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